How successful has Sweden’s light Covid restrictions been?

Sweden hasn’t really had much of restriction during the Covid-19 pandemic which started in Peoples Republic of China in September 2019 and then was allowed to spread over the whole world with Communist Chinese tourists.

Sweden has been against face masks and recommended social distancing, with elderly care that is outsourced much to private companies while it’s neighbor Finland was fast on isolating regions when the number of cases increased and the elderly care is not as outsourced as in Sweden. Both Finland and Sweden are in many ways quite similar when it comes to health care and laws (sure there are differences too) as they have a long common history as been an Union since 1362, which ended in 1809.

Population vise Finland has half the population as Sweden, just to make Sweden look better, we have doubled the Finnish numbers.













As you see the doubled Finnish numbers do not come near the Swedish numbers, deaths are just 10% and the cases are just 16% of what Sweden has. Also we don’t know how many have recovered in Sweden as they don’t keep such information, this makes it difficult to track the number of those with a seriously long term covid-19.

If we look just at those 70+, In Sweden 89% of the dead are in this age group while in Finland it was just 39%, this simply shows that elderly care that is run for profit do not work. To make it simpler to see the difference here are the numbers (keep in mind that the Finnish numbers has been doubled to make the population to be somewhat the same):





What from the economical point of view?
This far there ain’t much difference between Finland and Sweden economically, both countries has suffered around the same amount, so higher restriction in affected areas and less restriction where the spread is low don’t make too much difference compared to having no restriction at all.

What about mental health?
Finland has noticed a raise of mental health issues, but been able to take care of most of the patients with a bit more severe mental illness.
In Sweden the mental care was in a catastrophic state already before the pandemic and no investigation has been done to see how the mental state is in Sweden, maybe an investigation will be done after the pandemic.

So what should we learn from this?
That face masks, distancing, washing hands, and protecting the elderly together with harder restrictions saves a lot of lives. I hope President Biden will look at this and reform the elderly care and health care, so that insurance companies ain’t stealing the money that should have been spend on care giving.

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