How to speed up internet…

Internet has become slower with the years, no matter if you have your old modem or a high speed connection, it’s just so much unneeded data that is sent to you, pings to facebook, discus comments fetched, twitter feeds and of course the most important of all, advertisements and tracking pixels and tracing scripts. In average you are tracked in 6 places when visiting a commercial page and 2 places if you visit other pages.

Sure there are great plugins for browsers like ghostery, adblocker and so on, but then you need to administrate it on multiple computers and for each browse and than one browser do not support the plugin and so on. Then just make your life easier, use Privoxy, now you have one place to setup your filtering rules, sure you still have issues with your mobile units, you can always setup a VPN, so they can access Privoxy and then you will get rid of all the crap which slows down internet, you can save up to half the bandwidth.

Finnish MTV Privoxy filtered
Privoxy filtered Finnish MTV page, they use quite a lot of tracking and advertisements and on top of that they use outdated video content delivery system.

There are some mobile devices which will not be able to use Privoxy over VPN and that is the ms-Windows Phone devices as they lack VPN support, but sure you get what you pay for, sorry you don’t even get what you pay for when you buy microsoft product. Time for you too to liberate your internet from crap.

Note: The move from HTTP to HTTPS has made this kind of proxies obsolete, as they can’t filter the content of a page. The best way nowadays is to use Pi-hole.

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