Kremlin blows up NordStream pipelines

Russian energy terrorism has reach new level, by blowing up the two NordStream pipelines. The reason behind this is to make EU to be scared of higher risk of not getting gas from Russia during the winter months, at the same time EU has more gas it needs to survive the winter months, but anyhow the gas prices increased with 10% even if the delivery of gas didn’t change.

The four explosions, two on NordStream 1 and two on NordStream 2, were all charges of equal to 100 kg dynamite. There are some Russian ships that has been stationary near the explosion locations long enough for divers to go down and set the charges according to opensource shipment databases, no other ships has done that. Leaked documents points that this was planed already in May.

A natural question is why would Russia destroy it’s pipelines and the answer is quite simple, the pipeline ain’t too deep down so it will be easy to repair and the gas that leaks out wouldn’t anyway been sold due of sanctions on NordStream 2 and Gazprom (Putin) closed down NordStream 1 to blackmail EU, and today the gas is anyway burned on the Russian side to keep the gas pressure down in the Russian pipelines.

What Russia is managing to do with the gas war is local nature catastrophes, in Russia where the gas is burned as it’s not exported, at Bornholm where the gas is contaminating the sea.

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